Tag: Girls Boarding School

The Lost Key

GBS Classics – The Lost Key Annie was frozen in shock when she realizes that she has lost her keys, and cannot enter the facility. Of course, shit happens, and this actually wouldn’t have been an issue for the Headmaster at all. However, as this is not the first time it happens, a corporal punishment…

New Resident Lynn

New Resident Lynn Linn is sitting at the table using her laptop. Michael a master at Girls Boarding School comes into the room. He wastes no time in telling her why he is there – she has only been a student at Girls Boarding School for two days and she is already in trouble. He…

First Contact

Nicole’s First Meeting With The Headmaster Nicole had been warned about the strict headmaster by the other girls, and since she heard all the rumors about him, she knew that this will not going to be a walk in the park. Being spanked as a disciplinary measure? On her bare bottom?? Yes Nicole! that’s exactly…

Emily Pushes The Boundaries

Strictly Forbidden Emily Pushes The Boundaries Emily Pushes The Boundaries © Cliff James It was a typical day at The Girls Boarding School, the sun was shining and the birds were chirping. The school was known for its strict rules and discipline, and the girls were always on their best behavior. However, one girl, Emily,…

New Resident Vanja

New Resident Vanja Michael, a master at Girls Boarding School finds Vanja a new resident at Girls Boarding School kneeling on a wooden stool. Her long blonde hair tied in two plaits and her hands are on her head. He asks her why she is in that position. Her reply is cheeky, disrespectful and flippant….

The Neighbours Barbeque

The Neighbours Barbeque It’s the first time that the neighbors were inviting Headmaster Tom and a chosen resident from Girls Boarding School for a Barbecue. A major honor for Headmaster Tom, and his first chance of finally getting introduced to his new neighborhood. Finding the right girl as a companion and representative was not difficult,…

Three Girls in Trouble

Three Girls in Trouble Enjoy the New Girls Boarding School, where strict and severe domestic discipline is the order of the day for naughty, misbehaving girls. Broken rules, forgotten homework or plain and simple bad behaviour is simply not tolerated. GBS residents learn very early on that such antics are strictly punished by tried and…

After The Caning

GBS Classics – School Rules – Amy Hunter After The Caning – HQ Photos Preview Amy just got caned in her school uniform for breaking the school rules once to often. Particularly the one that bans running on school corridors just doesn’t cross her mind. It is tradition in this school that students who just…

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