Mr Carter introduces himself to his new house girl Paige, and has come to give her an inspection. He instructs her to lift up her clothing so he can see her body, then when she turns around he notices that her bottom is pink. She explains that she was spanked at the last household she served in, and he tells her that is a good thing because he will be using the same methods in his household. He places her on all fours on the bed to give her a demonstration of the way he spanks. She is sternly warned against misbehavior here, and given a small but firm dose of the cane so she knows what will happen if she does misbehave.
The next morning, he comes to her room again, upset because she missed the 6 am morning prayer with the rest of the household. She sheepishly admits that she overslept, but he reminds her that she was told the rules when she arrived and must be punished with the cane for breaking them and makes her get back on the bed on all fours for more of the cane.